You're in!
Welcome to the one-to-one Support.
You’ll receive instant feedback via CONVERSATION task with your professional native teacher.
Your teacher: Michiko Kimura (Kimura-sensei)
E-mail: [email protected]

How to start
Step 1: E-mail to the teacher.
Please mention 1 to 4 below on the first mail.
1 Your Availability
a) Your city & country
b) Days of the week & its Time Slot (The time in you city)
< Example 1 >
My availability
New Delhi, India time
Monday 7 am -9 am
Thursday 12 pm - 1 pm
Mon-Fri 8 pm - 10 pm
2 Online Communication Tools
Mention the online tools you can use.
< Example 2 >
- Zoom
- Google MEET
- Skype
3 Communication Style
Choose your live conversation style from,
1 Video Chat,
2 Voice Chat and
3 Text Chat.
< Example 3 >
Video chat, please.
Mention the CONVERSATION task of which PART and which Lesson you want to try.
<Example 4>
PART 1 Lesson 1
Step 2: Receive response.
After you e-mailed to your teacher, you will receive the response within 72 hours. Please check your mail.
If you do not receive reply after 72 hours, please contact her again by typing the e-mail address correctly.
Step 3: Set the alarm for your 10 minute slot.
Please keep the time that you reserved.
<Be Aware!>
- If you need to reschedule the slot that you have reserved, you are allowed to do so only by contacting her in advance.
- If you are a few minutes late for the reserved time, you can still attend for the remaining time. It will not be extended for the full ten minutes.
- If you did not show up on your slot, you will not be able to reschedule it. Please contact her and reserve another slot.