2023年3月 日本語で学ぶ会 Learning Session in Japanese

Mar 31, 2023

今月もArai Academy of Japanese Studies「日本語で学ぶ会」「英語で学ぶ会」にご参加いただきありがとうございました。




Thank you very much for attending the ‘Learning Session in Japanese’ and the ‘Learning Session in English’ this month. It was ohanami (cherry bloosom viewing) theme and thank you very much for enjoying the moment together and I enjoyed the best wine for Turkey. for this ocasion.

I am very happy to hear that each of the attendee enjoyed this cross-cultural exchange.

The comments and learning contents by the attendees are as below. Thank you very much for the moment that we shared our different ways of thinking.

I hope you will start April with the new views after the sessions. It was a pity some of you could not attend this month. I hope to see you next time.


🌸今回良かったことThe today’s best

とにかく自分のわかる言葉で伝えるように努力しました。 みなさんがゆっくり話してくれたので助かりました。 これから地道に単語をしっかり覚えようと思います。

Meeting native speakers and having the opportunity to practise speaking, whilst not worrying about making mistakes.


・Had a good practice speaking both in Japanese and in English. Nice to get to know each other.

・I got new information i didn't know


🌸今日学んだことWhat I learnt today


・I learnt about the different types of cherry blossom and the best places to view them. Also I appreciated the different methods others use to learn languages.


Speaking to Kimura sensei about holland in Japanese

・If you confused to choose what word you have to use, just think and try to express your feeling first.

・I learned how to improve English writing skills.


🌸ご意見 comment

・超初心者でついていくのは難しいですが、楽しく過ごしています。ありがとうございます。 私から質問もできるようにがんばります。

・It's a really good experience and I hope these regular sessions continue.


・cross cultural dimensions talking to the attendee from Indonesia

・I enjoyed today's online meeting. Thank you very much!


今回もお互いに学びへの情熱を共有し、モチベーションを高め合い、更なる成長への過程を共有できたことが大変嬉しく思います。It was fantastic that you shared the passion for learning and motivated each other for learning. I am happy that we all shared the process of our personal growth this month again. 

「輝いて」- Enrich your life!

Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies




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