How can you make a nice relationship with Japanese people? 「信(しん/shin) faith」

Feb 26, 2022


I would like to show you what Japanese people value for making a good relationship in both business and private. The key is ‘shin (faith)´. First, I will explain the word, then introduce some examples and show you a real life situation. I hope it will be useful for you.

まず「信」の意味ですが、何かに対していつも正直でいようという気持ちのことで、例えば人や自分の仕事に対してピュアな態度を表すことです。 これは日本人が生活の中でとても大切にしている態度です。それで、勉強や仕事などで成功しても、「信」の態度がないと、人として信用されない傾向があります。

First, this means the feeling that you always want to be faithful and honest to something, for example your pure attitude towards people and your profession. This is what Japanese people value in our daily life. Therefore, you cannot gain trust even after your success in your study or work if your attitude is not faithful.


These are the examples in the daily life.



1 ‘Shinjiru’ = to trust/believe

For example, you can say people ‘believe’ the power of the nature in Shintoism. People ‘believe in’ buddha and their ancestors like buddha. We ‘trust’ our family, friends and work colleagues. You can also say I ‘believe/trust’ myself.



2 ‘Shinyo’ = trust

‘Shinyo’ means ‘to use faith’ and it is considered that ‘shinyo’ from your clients and customers is essential especially in business (in Japan). You often hear the phrases like ‘I can trust’ and ‘I cannot trust’ in our daily life. It is obvious that ‘shinyo’ is crucial.


「信用できる人」だとわかると「信じて頼れる」人だと思い、いっしょに何かをする仲間として「信頼する」ようになります。このような気持ちから友だちやパートナー、クライアントとしていい関係を作りやすくなります。 当然、いい関係を作るのに人と約束した時間を守ることや聞いたり読んだりしたことを正しく伝えることも大切になります。

3 ‘Shinrai’ = reliance

Once we identify a person who has the quality of ‘shinyo’, then we ‘trust and rely on’ the person as a fellow and show reliance. With this respect, it will be easier to create a good relationship with a new friend, partner or client. Of course, it is also important to keep the time you arranged with someone and to convey the information that you heard and read correctly.


Finally, I will show you an example situation of the belief. What would you do if you forget your wallet or mobile phone at a restaurant or a shop in Japan? Just calm dowm. Normally the person who finds it will give it to the staff or take it to the police office. I think most people want to behave with ‘shinyo’. I was happy that I found all my belongings every time I left it somewhere! What do you think about ‘shin’ in your life?  

Calligraphy by Moji Brush

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