How to get prepared for natural disasters in Japan 防災

Mar 10, 2023


Hello!I’m Mineko Arai from Arai Academy of Japanese Studies. Japan constantly suffers from natural disasters, such as an earthquake, tsunami, typhoon, and volcanic eruption. So, what would you do if it happens while you are in Japan? I’d like to give some advices.


It’s been 12 years since ‘2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami’ on 11th of March this year. Some of my students were in Japan and had a hard time. Therefore, it’s important to be prepared.


You should download an emergency alert app in Japan. ‘Bosai (disaster prevention) bag’ is essential too. You normally keep water bottles, tin food, torch, radio and medications in it. Also, please check the evacuation site nearby. Then, you can evacuate to the site with the bag immediately when you notice the alert.


Often, internet will not be available at a natural disaster. Therefore, please decide a meeting point with our family and friends in case you cannot use the mobile phone. If you are living in Japan, stoppers/holders of furniture and doors will prevent these from moving and falling.

日本に滞在する皆さんができるだけ安全に過ごせることを心から願っています。また、皆さんの国ではどのような対策がありますか。共有してもらえたら嬉しいです。I hope you can stay safe in Japan. In your country, what kind of safety measures do you have? I appreciate if you share it for those who visit there including me.


輝いて‐Enrich your life!


Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

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