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恩 おん/ON - Appreciative - Japanese calligraphy

Oct 02, 2022

Appreciative in Japanese「恩 (おん/on)

「恩」という言葉を知っていますか。日本人が子供の時からよく聞き、使う言葉です。日本人といい関係を作ったり、日本で成功したい人は知っておくといいと思います。今回は①「恩」の意味、②子供への「恩」の教え方、③「恩」を使った表現について紹介します。皆さんの学びのお役に立てたらうれしいです。Have you heard the word ‘on (appreciative)’? Japanese people hear the phrase since childhood and use it often. Understanding this mindset might be useful to make good relationships or business with Japanese people. I’ll share 1)the meaning, 2) its education and 3) some expressions using on. I hope it will broaden your views.



1) The meaning of on

This is an appreciative feeling towards someone who helped you. This can be even stronger when your parents, teacher and boss looked after or supported you with personal care. Of course we also feel it when we learn and improve our life through our school and company.




2) ‘On’ Education

One of the most famous children's books is called “Tsuru no ‘on’ gaeshi (The Grateful Crane)” The story is; A man saw a crane suffering from a trap in the field and let her go. The crane felt ‘on’ and she visited his home to repay his kindness. As a result, she received his appreciation.

When I was in the final year of elementary school, there was a school event called “sha ‘on’ kai(thanks party for teachers)” before the graduation. We (the pupils) organised it and we learned the importance of appreciation to the teachers.

「恩」を使った表現 The expressions used with ‘on’

 a 「恩を感じる」= to feel ‘on’

      いつも先生に恩を感じている。I always appreciate my teachers.

 b 「恩がある」= to owe someone

       部長に恩がある。I owe my manager.   

 c 「恩を忘れない」= not to forget someone’s ‘on’ 

      先輩への恩を忘れない。 I never forget my gratitude towards my senpai.

 d 「恩を返す・恩返しをする」= to repay someone their ‘on’

   親に恩を返したい。I want to repay my parents their great care.

 e 「恩人」 someone who gave you on

   本田さんは命の恩人だ。 Honda-san is my life saver.

 先月、ロンドンのキングスカレッジで大変お世話になった上司に会う機会がありました。今まで季節のあいさつなどはしていたんですが、10年ぶりに会うことになりました。何か恩返しをしようと考えていたんですが、「ただ会って話がしたい。」と言われて感動しました。再会することが「恩返し」だったということですね。いろいろな恩の返し方があるんですね。By the way, I had a chance to meet my boss at King’s College London last month. We kept in touch through seasonal greetings but had not met for 10 years. I wanted to repay her on but she just wanted to meet me, because it was more than enough for her. I realised there are many ways to give back.

ただ、「恩人」と連絡を取り続けたくても、連絡先が変わってしまったり、返事が来なくなったりすることもあるかもしれませんね。でもいつも心の中に「恩」の気持ちがあることが素晴らしいんだと思います。そうすれば、他の人たちに返したいと思うようになると思います。ある人から受けた「恩」を他の人にも広げていけたら素敵だと思いませんか。私たちは支えられて生きているんだと感じます。皆さんは「恩」についてどう感じましたか。今回も記事を読んでくださってどうもありがとうございます。これからも応援よろしくお願いいたします。You might lose contact with those people for many reasons. But wouldn’t it be beautiful to keep their ‘on’ in your heart and you may want to give it to others instead. I feel that we are always supported sometimes without realising. What do you think about ‘on’?. Thank you very much for your time to read my article and your warm support as always.


輝いて  Enrich your life!

新井峰子(Mineko Arai)

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies


Calligraphy by Moji Brush mojibrush.com


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