Japanese New Year’s Eve「良いお年を。」VS「明けましておめでとうございます。」

japanese new year's eve Dec 30, 2021

今日は12月31日、大晦日(おおみそか)ですね。今年はどんな年でしたか。私は世界中の人たちが私のレッスンを安く受けれるように、Master SPEAKING Japaneseという日本文化と日本語のコースを作れてよかったです。

Can you believe it’s  New Year’s Eve today? How was 2021 for you? For me, it was incredibly busy but productive because I created my long-awaited intercultural communication course called ‘Master SPEAKING Japanese’ to support all the Japanese language learners worldwide.


By the way,  in Japan, many people eat Toshikoshi-soba, the soba eaten when you ‘cross over the year’. This custom was started in Edo period. But why do we eat especially soba?


According to Wikipedia, there are mainly two reasons. One is that soba is more easily cut off compared to other noodles such as ramen and udon. It is a good thing to cut off (clear off) the things happened at the end of the year in order to welcome the next year.


Another reason is that soba is long and people wish something good lasts longer across the years. Therefore, soba is believed to cut off something not nice and keep something good from this year to the next year. What do you eat on New Year’s Eve in your country and is there any reasons for it?


By the way, at the end of the year (within the current year), which greeting phrase is used, ’yoi otoshiwo’ or ‘akemashite omedeto’? We say ‘yoi otoshiwo’ ‘yoi otoshiwo omukae kudasai’.


This is because ‘omedeto’ is only used for celebration. And we say ‘akemashite omedeto gozaimasu’ ‘ shinnen omedeto gozaimasu’ from 1st of January.

みなさん、この1年間、大変お世話になりました。たくさんの人たちにつながることができてとても素晴らしい年になりました。みなさまからのサポート、どうもありがとうございました。どうぞよいお年をお迎えください。2021年12月31日Arai Academy of Japanese Studies代表 新井峰子

Thank you very much for 2021, everyone. It was a great year to be connected with all of you. Thank you very much for your warm support. Please have a wonderful year! Mineko Arai Managing Director of Arai Academy of Japanese Studies 31/12/2021

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