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2022年10月日本語で学ぶ会&英語で学ぶ会 – Learning Session in Japanese & in English October 2022

Oct 30, 2022

今月もArai Academy of Japanese Studies主催の「日本語で学ぶ会」「英語で学ぶ会」にご参加いただきありがとうございました。

Thank you very much for the great fun we had together at the Learning Session in Japanese and the Learning Session in English this month.

今回はロンドンでの最後のイベントとなりました。Arai Academy of Japanese Studies創立から7年間、毎月国立劇場で日本語学習者と日本人の交流を行ってまいりました。たくさんの素晴らしい方々との出会いがあった会場です。言語学習の練習だけでなく、共に異文化について学び、参加者のみなさんが毎回成長できる場だったことと思います。

It was the last session in London. We enjoyed our cross-cultural exchange at the National Theatre for the last 7 years since I started Arai Academy of Japanese Studies. We met lots of inspiring people from various backgrounds. Through language learning and practice, we learned cultural differences and broadened our views from each other.


Thank you very much for your warm support as always. I sincerely appreciate your donation for organising the event, introducing the new Japanese member, sharing Japanese Kit Kat' With the group, treating me a café latte, and giving me a wonderful present! I am absolutely happy to have such wonderful members.


It was also nice to meet some members after a while. And we continued to talk even more for lunch at the Ramen restaurant and we spent such a great time together.


The comments and learning contents by the attendees are as below. Thank you very much for the moment that we shared our different ways of thinking. I hope you started a new day with broader views from today.


🌸今回一番良かったことThe today’s best

・Meeting new people & practising Japanese




・The method of changing partners (in the group)

・Meeting people who have great interest and love of Japan

・Learning about the food evolution of different countries and Japanese food distribution



🌸今日学んだことWhat I learnt today

・About people


・About different countries

・More Japanese language and listening


・Faster reaction to questions and answers





It was great that we shared our passion for learning and personal growth. I would like to provide more opportunities for you. Thank you very much for your amazing support.


「輝いて」- Enrich your life!

Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies




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