Our Nature '絆(きずな/kizuna)-Bond/Tie' - Japanese Calligraphy

Apr 02, 2022


‘Kizuna’ was selected as the kanji of the year in 2011. It became the key word after the earthquake in Tohoku, Japan and Christchurch, New Zealand and the flood in Thailand. We might feel the importance of ‘Kizuna’ in 2022 as well. I will introduce 1) the meaning of ‘kizuna’, 2) how to sense it and 3) how to use the phrase. I hope your learning will enrich your life.


‘Kizuna’ means the state that one’s heart/feeling and the others are mutually connected or bonded. Just being connected on social media and feeling this ‘kizuna’ are totally different. We are naturally tied and it is not controllable.


You can say ‘I feel kizuna.’ towards people and animals, when you feel something strong, special and more closeness to them. It is interesting that you never say ‘I make kizuna.’ Because ‘to make’ shows your active control but you actually cannot feel ‘kizuna’ with your intention.



You can use the phrase ‘kizuna’ as below.

First, you ‘feel kizuna’.Then, in order to ‘value the Kizuna’, you take action which ‘deepens the kizuna’ and ‘strengthens the Kizuna’. You can also say ‘to tie deep kizuna’ and ‘ to tie strong kizuna’. The common expressions are ‘family kizuna’, friendship/partnership kizuna’ and ‘fellow kizuna’. 


In my life, it is important to value the ‘kizuna’ with  my staff and my students who I have met.


It would be nice if we can ‘deepen kizuna’ and get over the things happening in 2022. What is ‘kizuna’ in your language?


Thank you very much for your warm support as always.


新井峰子(Mineko Arai)

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

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