Tips for Japanese Speaking Practice 1

Nov 14, 2021

My tips for Speaking Practice for beginner Japanese learners

Many of my private students contacted me, because they couldn’t speak Japanese well after so much effort. I just wanted to help you if you feel the same. It is just a matter of the methods.

After you learn new expressions, do you want to have a conversation with the native speakers or practice with them? Actually, you might end up with frustration.. They use too many expressions that you haven’t studied. So, it is hard to understand. Or it takes time for you to make a sentence. And they don’t wait for you and keep going.

So, what should you do to express yourself better? Self-practice is actually essential for adult learners for your preparation. This preparation period will boost your confidence, because you can express yourself smooth like my students do after enough practice before the real conversation.

Please, spend some time making a solid foundation after each lesson before speaking with the native speakers. It is very similar to the process of practicing tennis before the match and piano before the performance.

You can prepare your speaking through Master SPEAKING Japanese. You will build a solid base and speak better. My students who are taking the course truly verified it in front of me!

If you prefer *self-study, it’s perfect for you! You can study any time any where, and It’s less costly. I just wanted to share my lessons for more affordable price! I am here for your to support and maximise your effort!

I wish you the best!

Mineko Arai



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