Online Learning Session in Japanese & in English


Mailing List

Hello! Are you looking for the opportunities to practise speaking Japanese? Arai Academy of Japanese Studies offers the ‘Learning Session in Japanese’ and the ‘Learning Session in English’ online from 2023.

This will provide a great opportunity for you to interact with the Japanese language learners and the native Japanese speakers all over the world.

The sessions will be held the last Saturday of each month. All levels are welcome.  

Please sign up for the  mailing list to receive a notice mail.

I hope this cross-cultural learning experience broaden your views in this globalising world.

Learning Session In Japanese

First, the native Japanese speakers will help the langauage learners to speak Japanese. 

Learning Session in English

As return, the native and the native level English speakers will help the Japanese people to practise their English.

Comments by the attendees

It was really nice meeting everyone and practicing my Japanese, I wish I could talk to them more after this!

Today, I learnt about autumn festivals in different parts of Japan.

Thanks for the opportunity!

初めての方ともリラックスして会話を楽しめました。 色々な違いを知ることができて参考になります。

みなさんが興味を持って一所懸命に私に質問してくれたので、話すことができました。 私はつたない英語しか話せませんが、ちょっとずつ質問することもできるようになると会話が広がることを学びました。 日本の静岡県浜松市に多く在住するブラジリアンの話から、音楽の街「浜松」を代表する「ヤマハ」や「カワイ」に話題は広がり、Filpさんの愛用するギターも「ヤマハ」製品とわかり、もう少しお話を伺いたいくらいでした。

なかなか上達しない私の拙い英語を、みなさんが親切に一所懸命聞いてくださって感謝しています。 ありがとうございます。

輝いて - Enrich your life! 

Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

My Profile: Mineko Arai

- Teaching for 18 years.

- Established 'Arai Academy of Japanese Studies' in 2015.

- Taught at many world famous companies through my academy.

- Taught at prestigious UK universities and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

- Earned an MA in Applied Japanese Linguistics & MBA in Education Management.